Metrus Energy Increases its Commitment to America is All In to $200 Million

November 10, 2021

Press Release

Metrus Energy announced today that it has upped its current America Is All In commitment to $200 million of investment in sustainable energy projects. This investment will help businesses, schools, hospitals, and local governments accelerate progress on their sustainability goals, increase resiliency and mitigate climate change.

The announcement was made by Metrus CEO Bob Hinkle who is attending the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow as part of a delegation led by the Business Council for Sustainable Energy and the Alliance to Save Energy. He announced the commitment during a panel discussion at the U.S. Climate Action Center in Glasgow that focused on the need for private investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy to accelerate the transition towards net-zero.

“We are doubling our commitment to America is All In because we believe in the value of financing climate action,” said Hinkle. “Getting to net zero cannot be done without mobilizing private finance and we have to do our part and work with our partners, customers and the entire sustainable energy industry to exponentially increase our investments in climate-positive projects."

America Is All In is a partnership of more than 3,500 CEOs, mayors, governors, college presidents, and other leaders committed to climate action. To date, Metrus has financed and implemented sustainable energy projects that are avoiding the emission of approximately 745,000 metric tons of CO2.

About Metrus Energy

Metrus Energy develops and finances sustainable energy projects at commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities. Its comprehensive climate-positive financing solution pays for all upfront and ongoing project costs, providing upgrades to aging infrastructure, improving equipment resiliency, and lowering carbon emissions without the capital expense. Under its innovative pay-for-performance financing model, the Sustainable Energy Services Agreement (SESA), Metrus bundles efficiency and clean energy measures, such as solar, energy storage and EV charging assets, into one simplified contract, tailoring each project to provide a turnkey solution. Metrus is a mission-driven company that is striving to build a more sustainable future with its customers as well as the America is All In coalition and the Better Buildings Challenge.

See how Metrus makes a world of difference.