Five Years After the Paris Agreement, America Is All In

December 11, 2020


When the United States did a U-turn and pulled out of the historic Paris Climate Agreement in 2017, it galvanized the business community and many local government leaders to form a coalition to honor the original commitment we made in Paris. The We are Still In coalition quickly stepped up and pledged investments, programs and climate positive actions to keep the United States moving towards the ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement.

This week, to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Agreement, the mantra has been changed to “America is All In” and “We Are All In.” We applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for prioritizing the climate crisis: Biden declared that the United States will rejoin the Paris Agreement on the day they take office. The new coalition reaffirms our commitment as well and lays the foundation for a strong public-private partnership to tackle the climate crisis. The new coalition includes mayors, governors, tribal leaders, college and university leaders, businesses, faith groups, and investors—4,000 strong and accounts for $9.5 trillion of the U.S. economy. We are all joining forces to declare that we will continue to support climate action to meet the Paris Agreement.

Metrus is proud to be part of this group. We were there in the beginning because we believed wholeheartedly in the mission, and we are all in now because the mission, which is closely aligned with our own mission, has become that much more critical.

Since we made our initial $100 million commitment to energy efficiency financing as a part of the We Are Still In initiative, we’ve expanded our offerings, highlighted by our new Sustainable Energy Services Agreement, which recognizes that clients are seeking comprehensive solutions that integrate things like solar, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and energy storage alongside energy efficiency.

There is still much work for all of us to do in the fight against climate change, and Metrus is proud to be All In.

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