Metrus Energy Boosts Commitment to America is All In, Doubles Investment to $400 Million

December 5, 2023

Press Release

San Francisco (December 5, 2023) — Metrus Energy announced today an increased commitment to America Is All In, pledging a $400 million investment in sustainable energy projects. This commitment also serves as a dedicated pledge to Mission Efficiency, reinforcing Metrus' support for the global initiative to double the annual rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030.

This investment is poised to assist businesses, schools, hospitals, and local governments in accelerating progress toward their sustainability goals, enhancing resilience, and mitigating climate change.

The announcement was delivered by Metrus founder and executive chairman, Bob Hinkle, during his participation at the COP 28 Climate Summit in Dubai. Hinkle is part of a delegation led by the Business Council for Sustainable Energy and the Alliance to Save Energy. The leadership of COP28 has urged governments worldwide to double energy efficiency efforts and triple renewable energy capacity by 2030, integral steps in preventing global warming from exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius.

"Climate finance is front and center at COP28 and accelerating investments in energy efficiency is critical, “ said Hinkle. " Metrus is proud to champion this ambitious Mission Efficiency initiative and we see the immense potential for gains from this type of global collaboration. Crafting a sustainable future poses challenges but is achievable with the united action of the business community and national and sub-national governments doing all we can to mitigate CO2 emissions."

In addition to its financial commitment, Metrus pledged to Mission Efficiency to assist governments and partners in achieving their sustainability goals by facilitating the development and implementation of an Energy as a Service (EaaS) framework. This framework will enable third-party investment and ownership of energy efficiency assets. Metrus joined Mission Efficiency earlier this year, aligning with a network of partners from the business community and supporting government entities globally.

America is All In is an expansive coalition of U.S. leaders who support halving U.S. emissions by 2030 and reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Metrus initially pledged $100 million to the coalition in 2018 and has consistently elevated its commitment since then.

About Metrus Energy

Since 2009, Metrus Energy has been leading the way to a sustainable, low-carbon future by bringing energy efficiency and clean energy projects to life and helping organizations decarbonize faster. Metrus’ pay-for-performance model, in which customers benefit from the energy solution without having to own the equipment, launched the Energy as a Service industry. Metrus provides a comprehensive, climate-positive financing solution that pays for all upfront and ongoing project costs, enabling upgrades to aging infrastructure, improving equipment resiliency, and lowering carbon emissions without the capital expense. Metrus is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, America Is All In, and the US Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenge and Better Climate Challenge.

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