Metrus Advances on Milestones for Sustainable Energy Investment

January 27, 2021

Press Release

Metrus closed out 2020 with $17 million in sustainable energy investments in December alone—a herculean accomplishment that signals the growing market for Sustainable Energy as a Service and the appetite for ESG investments by clients nationwide.

According to Metrus CEO, Bob Hinkle, “Our long-term success has been sustained by our focus on making climate-positive investments and maintaining strong public-private partnerships that help mobilize investments to meet carbon reduction goals. Metrus is proud to be part of two important coalitions that have buoyed sustainable energy investments in the U.S. through two very different Administrations.”

The Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenge is a partnership of businesses, manufacturers, cities, states, universities, and school districts committing to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings by at least 20% over 10 years. Metrus was one of the first financial allies to join this program and has completed projects that saved over 1.5 billion kWh and avoided 1.1 million tons of CO2. After hitting its initial targets earlier on under the BBC, Metrus is 80% of the way to meeting its latest $175 million commitment.

Additionally, Metrus starts 2021 more than halfway towards its $100 million investment commitment in energy efficiency as part of the We Are Still In initiative (WASI).

The WASI Coalition, which launched “America Is All In” last fall, is a partnership of more than 3,500 CEOs, mayors, governors, college presidents, and other leaders committed to climate action. As part of its pledge, Metrus has financed and implemented projects that are saving over 800,108,130 kWh, resulting in the avoided emission of 623,808 tons of CO2.

“As a company, we believe climate-positive investment is vital to achieving our nation’s carbon reduction goals. The Biden Administration will be a good ally in this effort and will provide a significant boost to both WASI and the BBC,” Hinkle said.

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