Metrus CEO Bob Hinkle Elected to Alliance to Save Energy’s Board of Directors

June 22, 2023

Press Release

SAN FRANCISCO - (June 22, 2023) -- Metrus Energy, a market leader in climate-positive investing, announced today that its CEO and founder, Bob Hinkle, was elected to the Alliance to Save Energy’s (ASE) Board of Directors.

Hinkle established Metrus in 2009 and created the Efficiency Services Agreement (ESA) and Sustainable Energy Services Agreement (SESA), which has become the contractual backbone for the financing of large-scale energy efficiency retrofit and renewable energy projects. He has helped develop and grow the Energy as a Service market, which is currently a $5.4 billion industry.

The Alliance to Save Energy's Board of Directors plays a pivotal role in shaping the organization's strategic direction, guiding policy initiatives, and fostering partnerships with key stakeholders across industries. Joining Hinkle as new members of the ASE Board are Aaron Berndt, Head of Energy Industry Partnerships at Google and Aimee Skrzekut, President, Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance.

“As someone who has developed and financed large-scale energy efficiency projects over the last two decades, I’ve seen first-hand the positive impact that the Alliance has on the marketplace,” said Hinkle. “It is an honor for me, and by extension the entire Metrus team, to join the Alliance to Save Energy’s Board of Directors.”

“We’re honored to welcome Bob to the Alliance’s Board of Directors,” said Paula Glover, Alliance to Save Energy President. “His expertise and leadership in driving private sector-led efficiency-enhancing financing strategies will undoubtedly strengthen our collective efforts towards a sustainable and prosperous future."

About Metrus Energy

Since 2009, Metrus Energy has been leading the way to a sustainable, low-carbon future by bringing energy efficiency and clean energy projects to life and helping organizations decarbonize faster. Metrus’ pay-for-performance model, in which customers benefit from the energy solution without having to own the equipment, launched the Energy as a Service industry. Metrus provides a comprehensive, climate-positive financing solution that pays for all upfront and ongoing project costs, enabling upgrades to aging infrastructure, improving equipment resiliency, and lowering carbon emissions without the capital expense. Metrus is a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, America Is All In, and the US Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Challenge and Better Climate Challenge.

About the Alliance to Save Energy

Founded in 1977, the Alliance to Save Energy is a nonprofit, bipartisan alliance of businesses, government, environmental and consumer leaders working to expand the economy while using less energy. Its mission is to promote energy productivity worldwide – including through energy efficiency – to achieve a stronger economy, a cleaner environment and greater energy security, affordability, and reliability.

See how Metrus makes a world of difference.