A Message from the CEO

March 20, 2020

Life at Metrus

We’ve always been told that a rising tide lifts all boats. What happens when the tide reverses course? 2020 is going to be a year that asks us to be exceptional, and it’s going to require that we achieve this together, as a nation, a global community and yes, as a business community.

We’re proud to be part of a broad coalition of businesses, universities and advocacy groups that is committed to creating a sustainable, low-carbon future by bringing energy efficiency and clean energy projects to life.

The Metrus team is working remotely but is always on call, ready to roll up our sleeves when our customers and partners need us. We will work creatively, using tools like video sessions and off-site analyses, to help our customers and partners advance the important work of energy efficiency and sustainability.

In time the tide will reverse course again, and we’ll rise together, stronger than before.

See how Metrus makes a world of difference.