Metrus Energy Releases 2023 Impact Report

May 29, 2024

Press Release

San Francisco (May 29, 2024) — Metrus Energy, a market leader in climate-positive investing, announced the release of its 2023 Impact Report today.

Metrus' customer projects, implemented through its Sustainable Energy Services Agreement (SESA), span across 34 states and encompass more than 940 sites. These projects, incorporating 30 different energy efficiency measures and technologies, achieved a total CO2 savings of 97,186 metric tons in 2023. Metrus tracked the impact of its own emissions, which totaled 42,200 metric tons of CO2 across scopes one, two, and three, including emissions from its customer projects. As a result, the net savings across the Metrus portfolio in 2023 amounted to 54,986 metric tons of CO2.  In total, customers saved 298,849,979 kWh of electricity, 482,577 therms of natural gas, 9,468 gallons of oil, and 75,036,860 gallons of water consumption which is equivalent to the water used by 2,507 Americans for an entire year.


In this year’s edition of its Impact Report, Metrus has expanded its reporting to include atmospheric pollutants. In 2023, Metrus reduced sulfur oxide by 49 metric tons and nitrous oxide by 73 metric tons.  These reductions are helping achieve the levels set forth by the EPA’s National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

The lifetime CO2 savings across the Metrus portfolio, spanning the 15 years Metrus has been in business, is 795,800 metric tons, which is the equivalent of taking 26,074 cars off the road.

Metrus publishes this annual report because it believes climate-related data is crucial to help organizations understand how to achieve sustainability goals, enhance the efficiency and resiliency of their business, and highlight material risks that could affect financial performance.

"Disclosing the climate-related impact of our portfolio serves as a north star for our business, validating the solutions we offer, the partnerships we establish, and the project-level investments we make," said Bob Hinkle, Founder and Executive Chairman of Metrus. "Metrus is proud to play a part in the momentous and urgent transition to sustainable energy."

Click here to see full report

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