Improving Campus Sustainability through Sustainable Energy as a Service

Why it's the right time to improve campus sustainability


Investing in energy efficiency is always a good idea, but for today’s colleges and universities, it’s imperative. Not only does it save money and reduce carbon emissions, but healthy buildings and a demonstrated commitment to sustainability benefit the entire school community. It can also help schools stand out in what is an increasingly competitive marketplace. Best of all, with sustainable energy as a service, schools can enjoy all the benefits of efficiency upgrades and on-site clean renewable energy generation without tapping into their capital budgets or impacting their balance sheet.

Metrus Energy provides a turnkey solution to our higher ed customers that enables them to stay focused on their core mission of teaching students. We take an open platform approach, working with the energy service companies and technologies that best fit a customer’s project. Give us a call today and find out how sustainable energy as a service can help your school excel.