Be efficient.Be resilient.Be part of the climate solution.

Our free efficiency audit shows you where you can achieve savings that benefit the environment and your bottom line — at no cost to you.

Fill out the form below to get started.

*Our efficiency audit is most effective for companies with a minimum annual energy use of 5,000,000 kWh

What do climate change and your bottom line have in common?

Both benefit from sustainable energy. Improving efficiency and shifting toward renewable energy sources reduces environmental and operational costs. It builds resilience by reducing demand and increasing redundancy. It’s how we create a future that meets our energy needs and works to restore the earth’s balance.

Sustainable energy starts with energy efficiency — the most immediate, impactful, and affordable way to reduce energy use. After all, the cheapest kilowatt hour is the one not used. A comprehensive energy efficiency retrofit can shrink energy use up to 50%. And it is estimated that improved energy efficiency could deliver more than 40% of the carbon reductions pledged in the Paris Climate Agreement.

The benefits of sustainable energy are clear and compelling. What is less clear to many organizations is how to finance and manage sustainable energy improvements.

That’s where Metrus Energy comes in. Our mission is to accelerate the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future by removing the barriers to impactful retrofits and renewable energy. We do this through Sustainable Energy as a Service, a turnkey solution with zero upfront cost. We manage the entire project lifecycle — from financing and development to ongoing maintenance, measurement, and verification — so that our customers can achieve the benefits of sustainable energy while remaining focused on their core business.

Are you ready to be part of the climate solution?

Sign up for our free efficiency audit above. It’s just one way Metrus is making it easy to move towards a low-carbon, sustainable energy future — at no cost (or risk) to you.